Copdock & Old Ipswichian Cricket Club

Club Membership

Copdock & Old Ipswichian Cricket Club Membership


We are always keen to welcome new members, and the only restrictions are on the basis of capacity in certain situations. 

If you are interested in joining Copdock & Old Ipswichian Cricket Club please contact our Membership Secretary on:

The Club offers the following membership categories:

Playing Adult - Playing Junior - Student Yr 11+ - Vice President - Social Member

For safeguarding reasons the definition of an adult is somebody over the age of 18.


Please note that you will be contacted by the membership team when it is your time to renew. Please do not attempt to renew outside of the period that will be allotted to you.

We will also be inviting family groups to renew at the same time in order that the family discount can be administered. We expect all existing members to have renewed by the end of February so please contact the membership team if you have not received a renewal invitation in the timescales below. Your place will be at risk if you have not renewed by the 1st March as many of the popular age groups will be over subscribed again.
Schedule is as below for existing members
Phase 1 : 14-27th Feb for all current 2021 Junior Members (ie up to and including u15)
Phase 3 : 15-26th March for all Adult and student playing members
Phase 4:  15-26th March for all Vice Presidents and Patrons 
From the beginning of March 2022, we will be inviting new members (subject to availability of spaces) to join so if any of you have friends who have shown an interest in joining the club please let them know this timeframe. As we will be unable to open the pavilion to new faces, relevant information and an introductory video will be posted on our social media channels as last year.