Copdock & Old Ipswichian Cricket Club

Vice Presidents

Vice Presidents

We are most grateful to all our Vice Presidents who provide valuable support for the Club and we thank all of the below who support the club as Vice Presidents.

Being a Vice President entitles you to:

  • Your name on our Vice Presidents Board, which will be hung on the Pavilion wall
  • Your name on our Vice Presidents link on our official club website
  • An Invitation for you and guest to our Annual Presidents & Sponsors Day (date tbc).
  • Additional guests are allowed (£10 per person)
  • On the day you will be able to enjoy watching one of our EAPL 1st XI Mens Game (tbc)
  • Invitations will be sent out well in advance

We kindly ask for a minimum of £60 for your subscription, if you are able to donate a larger sum then the additional amount can be treated as a gift aid donation, provided you are a UK tax payer.

Copdock & Old Ipswichian Cricket Club is a CASC (Community Amateur Sports Club) registered organisation. This means we have the ability to claim Gift Aid on all voluntary donations.  We would therefore be very grateful if you could also complete the Gift Aid Declaration form attached.

It is also possible for individuals making a donation to claim a tax refund on that donation. For more information about all of this please see the CASC website

If you would like to discuss the above, please do not hesitate to contact our club President Ray East on 07841 904647 or

Become a Vice President

To become a Vice President for 2023 please complete our form at the bottom of this page or download & complete the form from the link below and return to Warwick Dunnett (

Download Form Here

Complete online Vice President Form Here